North Kildonan family opens garden to the community

A Winnipeg family is taking a unique grass-roots approach to giving back to the community.
Maria Sanchez moved to Winnipeg's North Kildonan neighbourhood five years ago with her husband and two daughters. She wanted to get to know her neighbours and give back to the community, so they started the Little Free Library based in their front yard.
"It's a way for us to give back to our neighbourhood and just people in general. We've got a great city that we live in and I think it's about time that people step up to the plate and give back to such a great city," Sanchez said.
From free books, to free food
While giving away free books was a start, she didn't think it was enough and so she is opening her garden to the community as well.
Neighbours are free to come and pick any of the herbs and vegetables grown in the Sanchez's front yard and the family is also stocking a seed bank so that anyone can plant a garden on their own.
Sanchez has given away almost 160 packets of seeds already this spring.
"I think it's very important that we all be able to share what we have and what we can give to our fellow neighbours," Sanchez said.
Sanchez also thinks this project helps teach her nine and 11-year-old daughters some valuable life lessons.
"It gives them compassion for other people," she said. "It also gives them life skills to plant and grow their own food."
Sanchez has spent time working in homeless shelters around Winnipeg and she said she has seen the desperate need for food in the community.
Sanchez hopes that the family's gesture encourages people to donate some of their own harvest to the cause as well.