More drivers getting nailed for school-zone speeding
The Winnipeg Police Service handed out 27 per cent more tickets in school zones this September than they did during the same month last year.
27 per cent more tickets issued this September than during the same month in 2015

The Winnipeg Police Service handed out 27 per cent more tickets in school zones this September than they did during the same month last year.
The police issued 8,704 speeding tickets in school zones this September, according to data published today by the Winnipeg Police Board — that's up from 6,838 school-zone tickets in September 2015.
Photo-radar cameras at intersections also netted 44 per cent more tickets this September than they did during the same September 2015. The city issued 3,662 of those tickets this September, compared to 2,542 during the same month last year.
At last month's police-board meeting, the Winnipeg Police Service said they had no explanation for the year-over-year rise in photo-radar intersection tickets.