Royal Canoe overwhelmed by donations after gear stolen
Winnipeg band's laptops, belongings were swiped during tour stop in Chicago
Members of the Winnipeg band Royal Canoe are grateful for their fans, who quickly donated more than $9,600 to replace laptops and other gear that were stolen from their van earlier this week.
Royal Canoe was wrapping up a three-month tour when its van was broken into during an overnight stop in Chicago on Monday night.
The band's musical instruments were safe, but four laptops, three passports and the members' personal belongings were taken.
"Almost everything that I own … I don't have anymore. I just have what you see here, pretty much," band member Matt Schellenberg told CBC News.

"It's how we do all of the recording, all of our business, accounting — everything occurs on these laptops. So It was a total shock to see that they were gone," he said.
So the band reluctantly launched an Indiegogo online fundraising campaign at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, in the hopes of raising $7,800 to cover the costs of the stolen gear.
In exchange for donations, the band offered "high fives" on social media, handwritten postcards, signed CDs, and even concert tickets and music lessons.
"Before we reached the border it was already at $5,000, and we had asked for $7,800," he said.
"It was just so overwhelming to see how supportive people are."
Peters said the goal was reached in less than 24 hours. As of Wednesday night, donations totalled $9,646 US.
Now back in Winnipeg, the members of Royal Canoe are ending the online donation campaign, which they had originally set to be 60 days long.
"We'd like to say, like, 'Thank you so much to everybody, but like kindly please stop donating. We got what we got,'" said Schellenberg.