Rural Manitoba couple selling scrap metal to help Haiti
A rural Manitoba couple has been on the hunt for hunks of scrap metal, and they've been doing it all for Haiti.
La Broquerie couple collects and sells scrap metal in Winnipeg, sends proceeds to Haiti

A rural Manitoba couple has been on the hunt for hunks of scrap metal, and they've been doing it all for Haiti.
La Broquerie couple Pierre and Nicole Dizengremel have been collecting unwanted metal and selling it in Winnipeg.
The couple then sends the proceeds to Haiti to help fund the construction of schools and churches.
“We realized that we weren't alone in this world,” said Nicole Dizengremel. “There's a lot to do to help out the poor in Haiti ... that kind of motivated us to do something."
The Dizengremels also hold garage sales to raise money for Haiti.
They said they were inspired to give back after visiting Haiti while working as missionaries.