Santa Bus back on Winnipeg streets, collecting for Cheer Board
In 2013 the Santa Bus raised $13,000 for the charity, which provides food, toys to needy families

The Santa Bus starts up again today, collecting donations for the Christmas Cheer Board.
This year’s Santa Bus is #818 and it features pictures of Santa and his reindeer on the exterior.
The bus will be running along the following routes:
- 11 Kildonan - Portage (December 1 to 6)
- 16 Osborne - Selkirk (December 7 to 13)
- 19 Marion-Logan, Notre Dame (December 14 to 20)
- 18 North Main - Corydon (December 21 to 24)
Use BUStxt to find where the Santa Bus will be running. Text 287898 to receive a message on which route the Santa Bus is on, and the time it will be arriving at its next stop.
In 2013 the Santa Bus raised $13,000 for the Christmas Cheer Board, which gives hampers and toys to families who receive provincial assistance, and the working poor.
The Cheer Board was started in 1919 during the First World War by several Winnipeg churches to help the families of soldiers lost during the First World War.
Since the Santa Bus started 1985 it has raised $304,000 in donations for the charity.