Sugar-wine makers target Winnipeg millennials with online retail, delivery
Shrugging Doctor Brewing Company says less regulation made business possible

A couple of Winnipeg 20-somethings say the deregulation of Manitoba's liquor industry has opened the door to their new, small business.
After years of planning and taste-testing, owner Willows Christopher and brew master Zach Isaacs will launch Shrugging Doctor Brewing Company on Friday.
The company sells sugar wine and mead, among other products online and will deliver bottles anywhere in Winnipeg for an extra cost of $4.99.
"They can just add to cart and it will get dispatched and delivered right to your door, we're aiming within the hour," said Christopher.
Isaacs, also 20, said the company's sugar wine goes after younger Winnipeggers who are looking for a spirit that packs a punch (it is 20 per cent alcohol) at a lower price point.
"We like to describe it as a mix between an ice wine and a vodka …. We think it appeals to the 18 to 25, lower socio-economic background which we're a part of," he said.
The sugar wine recipe they follow is originally from Finland but Shrugging Doctor has ended up making some alterations, adding a filtering process which Isaacs said makes the drink more palatable for North Americans.
Christopher said some people drink it by the wine glass, but he prefers to cut it with half a cup of fruit juice.
"It mixes very, very well because of its neutral taste," he said.
The company is currently working on a Saskatoon berry wine which they hope will be more of a "premium product," he added.
Manitoba Liquor Marts deliver wine and other alcoholic beverages as well, said Christopher, but the small Manitoba company promises to offer a faster delivery time.
"This is a convenience that a lot of other people do enjoy," he said.
Shrugging Doctor is one of at least two companies that have recently gone into business to offer online delivery of alcoholic products. A pizza and beer delivery company launched in Winnipeg in November.
"I'm just happy that in the last couple of years there has been a lot of deregulation [of the liquor industry]," said Christopher.
Christopher said the company is pushing to be able to sell their wines and spirits on beer vendor hours. Right now they can only deliver their online sales until midnight.