'Sick' theft of poppy box angers Winnipeg restaurant manager
Former legion president 'disgusted' to hear news of theft
The assistant manager at a Subway restaurant in Winnipeg is "sick to my stomach" after a poppy box and all of the donated money was swiped from the counter.

“It happens every year," he said. "It is an ongoing issue. We are just overly upset at the situation that somebody would take this money that is designated to go to veterans and their spouses to help look after the ones in need."
It happened Tuesday evening at the restaurant in the 1500 block of St. Mary's Road. The entire thing was caught clearly on surveillance video.
It shows a man walk up to the counter and brazenly take the box while a Subway employee, just three feet away, helps a customer.
"It just made me literally sick to my stomach. The way he was so sneaky about it, I was shaking [watching it]. I was literally shaking," said assistant manager Heather Cyncora.
"To me that's one of the lowest things a person can do is steal from the vets."
Cyncora said the box was filled with tips her staff was donating to the Royal Canadian Legion's annual fundraiser. According to the legion, money raised from poppy donations provides financial assistance to veterans, funds medical equipment, research, home services, long-term care facilities and more.
Cyncora has called police and put surveillance photos of the suspect on Facebook.
CAA Manitoba was also the victim of a similar theft this week. A poppy box was stolen from its branch on McPhillips Street on Monday.