Siloam Mission in dire need of socks for Winnipeg's homeless

The cold weather means a big demand for warm clothes for Winnipeg's homeless population.
Siloam Mission is in dire need of socks right now.
Communications director Reagen Peters said the demand for clothing items is up at the homeless shelter because of the frigid weather.
"Socks are the kind of things you need everyday. You run through them, they get wet, they get damaged." Peters said.
Peters said about 65 people visit the clothing room at the shelter daily, which means they go through at least 65 pairs of socks per day.
"A lot of people don't have the proper footwear, so in those instances they find that they go through many, many pairs of socks in a daily period." Peters said.
Peters says other items needed include long johns, sleeping bags, pillows and jackets.
"People are layering, they're needing to keep warm. Sometimes it's nice to stay at the shelter but they also want to venture out and get stuff done." Peters said.
People can drop off items at the shelter at 300 Princess Street between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm.