Parts of southern Manitoba under boil water advisory after equipment failure
Communities affected include Altona, Roseau River First Nation

People in certain parts of southern Manitoba should boil tap water they use to drink, cook or brush their teeth until further notice, according to a bulletin issued by the province on Saturday.
The boil water advisory was announced after a distribution pump failure on Saturday led to loss of water pressure in a portion of the Red River regional distribution system, which can compromise the safety of a water supply, the bulletin said.
If boiling water isn't possible, people should use an alternate safe supply of water (like bottled water).
People in the following communities are affected:
- In the municipality of Montcalm: St. Joseph and the town of Letellier.
- The entire rural municipality of Rhineland.
- In the municipality of Emerson-Franklin: everyone west of the Red River and the town of Emerson.
- All of the Halbstadt Marais Water Co-op.
- The entire town of Altona and its rural water co-op.
- In the municipality of Stanley: everyone from the municipality of Rhineland's west boundary up to the city of Winkler (Reinfeld).
- Roseau River First Nation.
People in the affected areas should bring water to a rolling boil for at least one minute before using it for drinking, making ice, preparing beverages (like infant formula), preparing food (including washing fruits and vegetables) or brushing teeth, the bulletin said.
It's not necessary to boil water to do laundry and wash dishes. Adults or older children who can avoid swallowing water can still safely bathe or shower, but younger children should be sponge bathed.
The province reminded people to keep young children away from boiling water to avoid injuries, and to push kettles and pots away from counter or stove edges so kids can't reach them.
The advisory will stay in place until the water supplied by that system no longer presents a risk to public health — at which point the province will make another announcement.
The following communities in the area are not affected by the boil water advisory:
- The city of Winkler.
- The city of Morden.
- The Boundary Trails Health Centre.
- The Border Valley Water Co-op.
- St. Jean Baptiste.
- In the municipality of Montcalm: everyone east of the Red River and south of the town of Letellier.
- In the municipality of Emerson-Franklin: everyone on the east side of the Red River (Dominion City and Arnaud).
- In the municipality of Stanley: Schanzenfeld, and everyone north and west of the city of Winkler.