St. Boniface warming centre reopening in city-owned building during cold snap
Building first opened earlier in December after woman died in bus shelter

A city-owned building in St. Boniface will reopen as a warming shelter Tuesday evening amid another cold snap.
The city partnered with St. Boniface Street Links to open the makeshift shelter earlier this month, after a woman was found unresponsive inside a bus shelter on Dec. 5 and died.
Street Links executive director Marion Willis told CBC News the city has made the building at 604 St. Mary's Rd. available whenever it's needed.
Temperatures overnight are expected to fall –26 C, with a wind chill of –34.
The temporary shelter on St. Mary's Road will primarily serve people on the east side of the Red River, Willis said.
Mayor Scott Gillingham, speaking to reporters after announcing funding for community centres on Tuesday, said other shelters in the city have flex capacity to expand their spaces during extreme weather.