Stony Mountain in lockdown as staff carry out 'exceptional search'
Inmate visitations suspended until sweep completed, Correctional Service of Canada says

Safety concerns prompted officials with Stony Mountain Institution to issue a lockdown at the federal prison Tuesday morning.
Maximum and medium security units were put under lockdown at 9 a.m. CT so that staff could do an "exceptional search" of the penitentiary.
"The search was ordered to ensure the safety and security of the institution, its staff and inmates," the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) said in a release. "Normal operations will resume as soon as it is considered safe to do so."
In the meantime, the CSC says inmate visitations have been temporarily suspended until the sweep is done and any potential contraband is recovered.
Stony Mountain Institution is located about 25 kilometres north of Winnipeg and is capable of holding over 800 minimum, medium and maximum security level offenders.