Texting while driving bad idea: quadriplegic teen

A Selkirk teen whose decision to text while driving caused a head-on collision that left him a quadriplegic wants others to learn from his mistake.
Dustin Vernie, 17, suffered massive injuries in the crash on Highway 9 in December. His goal is to walk again but he also hopes his experience can save other young drivers from suffering the same fate.
That's why he wants to tour high schools to teach others about the dangers of texting and driving.
"I'd show pictures and stuff of how active I was before," he said.
"Just tell them how texting and driving is more dangerous than — like that's going to be the next thing. Kids are going to text and drive and not drink and drive."
Anyone who knows him has stopped texting while driving, Vernie said.
"All of my friends have [stopped] … but they used to," he said.