Thelma Krull, 57, missing from north Transcona area
Krull was last seen at her home in Saturday morning, family say

Thelma Krull, 57, was last seen Saturday morning at her home in the north part of Transcona.
Family members told CBC News she had gone out hiking near Chief Peguis Trail Saturday. When she failed to show up for her grandson's birthday later that afternoon, they became concerned.
"It's really nerve-racking, trying hard to keep it in and hold it together and not freak out," said Lisa Besser, Krull's daughter. "We just want to find my mom and get her home safe. We're a very close-knit family and this is not normal."
Besser said her mother went for a hike in the morning Saturday to train for an event in British Columbia.
"She's basically in training to do a west coast trail, which is a five-to-seven-day hike, so she goes hiking almost every morning," Besser said. "She will often do the Chief Peguis Trail or other trails in and around the Kildonan area."
Krull is described as five-foot-four-inches tall, 170 pounds, and has short dyed-blonde hair with a purple streak and glasses.
Anyone with information about Krull's whereabouts is asked to contact the Winnipeg Police Service Missing Persons Unit at 204-986-6250.
Facebook post by Lisa Besser
Missing mom update
We're hitting almost 2 days of being missing. Freaking out is an under statement.
My mom, Thelma Therriault Krull, is the nicest women [sic] I have ever known in my life with the sweetest heart who would help any friend in need and go out of her way to do so!!!
Last seen leaving her house Saturday at 7:23 am. Heading either down Concordia towards Valley Gardens area or on Peguis [Street] towards Canadian Tire.
Wearing dark capris or shorts and a bright coloured tshirt/tank - an ORANGE shirt we believe.
- she does NOT have dementia! Or any other health problems. She is very healthy and has been training for a 7 day hike on the west coast trail in August with her brother
IF YOU LIVE IN THE EAST KILDONAN, VALLEY GARDENS, HARBOUR VIEW SOUTH areas or anywhere nearby please let us know if you seen her.
If you have a home security CAMERA please check it from 7:20-9 am Saturday.
Please help me find my mom.