Manitoba's Lucy could be the world's smallest goat
Lucy stands between 40 and 41 centimetres tall
Lucy might be tiny but the Manitoba goat is on her way to a big title.
The little goat at the 10 Acre Woods Petting Farm and Animal Rescue in Anola, Man. has been measured to see if she is the world's smallest goat.

"[We measured her] on the kitchen counter. It was very difficult making a goat stand still when it's not their prerogative. It was tricky to say the least," McKean said with a laugh.
"If you know goats, they like to regurgitate burps constantly and chew their cud. So we were dealing with the burping of little Lucy as well."
The little goats were brought inside the house, treated, and even had physiotherapy.
"The day she stood up on her own the whole house was in an uproar," McKean said.
McKean said Lucy is a spoiled and happy goat although her immune system can still be compromised. It also means she is pint-sized.

To get the world record, the measurements had to be watched by a government official, a police officer, and a certified veterinarian. McKean said they also needed to capture the whole process on video.
"They come with a whole booklet of guidelines that you have to uphold," she said.
Even if she doesn't claim the title, McKean said Lucy will continue to be her "spoiled little girl."