1919 100 Years

TOPIC: 1919 100 YEARS

Impact of 1919 strike spans generations
The 1919 General Strike still resonates with one man whose grandparents were on the front lines during the labour movement.
Canada -Manitoba |

Lingering divisions of 1919
Two men who served opposite sides of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, H.B. Scott, a special constable, and Robert Durward, a striking postal worker, debate the event 50 years later.

'Hello Girls' first to walk off the job during 1919 Winnipeg General Strike
On May 15, 1919, 500 telephone operators — known at the time as "Hello Girls" — were the first to walk off the job as part of the strike, even though they were not union members. The 7 a.m. shift simply didn't show up for work, many of them angry about abusive working conditions.

Renowned designer recreates 1919 Winnipeg on Rainbow Stage
Strike the Musical will take audiences back 100 years into Vulcan Iron Works, known for deplorable working conditions during the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. Stratford Festival veteran Douglas Paraschuk designed the sets for Rainbow Stage.
Canada -Manitoba |

Bloody Saturday 1919 Winnipeg General Strike reenactment
Reenactment of June 21, 1919 riot from 2007 CBC documentary Bloody Saturday CBC. The documentary produced by CBC's Andy Blicq.
Canada -Manitoba |

Hells Alley
CBC 2007 documentary Bloody Saturday explains what happened in Hells Alley off of Main Street during the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike.
Canada -Manitoba |

Manitoba labour faces fights from outside and within
Manitoba labour activists say there's been an increase over the past decade in negative attitudes toward organized labour, if not outright hostility to unions.
Canada -Manitoba |
100 years after the Winnipeg General Strike, Manitoba labour faces fights from outside and within
The Manitoba labour movement's challenges include slow growth, a hostile provincial government and the gig economy. Unions also have to contend with allegations of sexism, an inability to help newcomers and reluctance to adapt and change.
Canada -Manitoba ||

No need for musical theatre fans to riot: Strike! is a crowd-pleasing, if not subtle, look at 1919 strike
The latest production of Strike! The Musical at Rainbow Stage provides an engaging and satisfying take on a seminal moment in Winnipeg’s history.
Canada -Manitoba ||

'A bloody mess': Remembering Bloody Saturday, the deadly climax of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike
On June 21, 1919, a silent parade in Winnipeg to protest the arrests of strike leaders turned violent. Explore a 360 video of what the scene of Bloody Saturday looked like then and now.
Canada -Manitoba |

New podcast: Muddied Water
Go on a journey back to the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike to explore how 'the right side of history gets a little muddied.'
Canada -Manitoba |

360 tours take you back to 1919 Winnipeg General Strike and what led to Bloody Saturday
Explore what Winnipeg, the Exchange District and the North End looked like during the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, when the city was divided. See what led to the events of June 21, 1919 — the day that became known as Bloody Saturday.
Canada -Manitoba ||

Trials and deportations: 1919 Winnipeg strike leaders were punished first, vindicated later
As the trial dates for their arrested leaders approached, thousands of 1919 Winnipeg General Strike supporters walked in a Labour Day parade, holding banners declaring their ongoing fight for workers' rights.
Canada -Manitoba ||

Streetcar sculpture brings 1919 Winnipeg General Strike to life
One of the most iconic images from the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike has been resurrected.
Canada -Manitoba ||

'Wild Woman of the West': Labour leader Helen Armstrong fought with courage and compassion during 1919 strike
Labour activist Helen Armstrong was a towering presence during the Winnipeg General Strike who fought for workers' rights — such a force that she earned the nickname "Wild Woman of the West" from some newspapers in Eastern Canada.
Canada -Manitoba |

From 1919 to #MeToo: A century of progress, but still 'a long way to go' for women in the workplace
On May 15, 1919, 500 telephone operators known as the "Hello Girls" were the first to walk off the job as part of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. A century later, there have been significant gains for women in the workplace — but some things haven’t changed.
Canada -Manitoba ||

'Lingering hostilities' blamed for lack of 1919 Winnipeg strike monuments
The 1919 Winnipeg General Strike was a watershed moment in Canada's history but to find any commemoration in the city, you need to do some searching.
Canada -Manitoba ||

Winnipeg General Strike was 'large and difficult defeat' in 1919 but benefits workers today
The 1919 Winnipeg General Strike ended five days after the violent confrontation on Bloody Saturday, without any concessions being won by the workers and with many facing a bleak future.
Canada -Manitoba ||

Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 shook the ruling class, planted roots for modern workers' rights
In the spring of 1919, tens of thousands of workers walked away from their jobs and brought the city to a standstill. The 42-day upheaval brought few immediate gains but seeded the change that resulted in modern workers' rights.
Canada -Manitoba |

Desperate times: How harsh conditions drove 30,000 workers to rebel in the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919
A combination of deplorable living conditions, six-day work weeks and employers' fierce resistance to negotiating with unions led 30,000 Winnipeggers to walk off the job in the Winnipeg General Strike 100 years ago.
Canada -Manitoba |

Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, from unrest to Bloody Saturday fallout
Look through some of the key moments in the 42-day Winnipeg General Strike that started in May 1919 and culminated with a violent clash at the end of June.
Canada -Manitoba ||

1919 Winnipeg General Strike: Calendar of community events
A list of community events related to the 100th anniversary of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike.
Canada -Manitoba |
Winnipeg General Strike shows true power is with the people, activist, filmmaker Boots Riley says
As Patti Smith once wrote, the people have the power. It's a point that activist, musician and filmmaker Boots Riley wants to drive home to people here in Winnipeg: that those who want the power to make social change already have it.
Canada -Manitoba |

Daughter of late Winnipeg writer revives long lost novel on 1919 General Strike
The daughter of a prominant Winnipeg writer and journalist has revived her mother's long-lost novel about the Winnipeg General Strike -- just in time for the hundredth anniversary.
Canada -Manitoba |

Manitoba premier picking fights with workers 100 years after general strike, labour leader says
A century after the Winnipeg General Strike rocked the city, Manitoba’s premier is picking fights with unions and sowing “disharmony” between workers and their employers, a Manitoba labour leader said Wednesday.
Canada -Manitoba ||