Jenny Motkaluk says mayoral race was 'a truly humbling experience'
'You reach a point where you know, with great certainty, that you're not alone ... and there are people behind you to catch you if you fall,' Motkaluk, who lost the 2018 Winnipeg mayoral race to incumbent Brian Bowman, said in an emotional speech Wednesday night.
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Live Blog
RECAP: Winnipeg's 2018 civic election
See how Winnipeg's 2018 civic election night unfolded Wednesday with minute-by-minute updates.
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winnipeg votes
Mayoral promises: What the candidates are offering Winnipeg voters
Here's what Winnipeg's eight candidates for mayor have promised to date.
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Portage and Main plebiscite: 8 things to know before you vote
Portage and Main has been closed to pedestrians for 40 years. It may seem like the debate over reopening the intersection has lasted longer. The latest chapter in the saga ends on Wednesday, when Winnipeg votes on the issue in a ballot plebiscite.
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Stupid questions for smart candidates: 2018 Winnipeg mayoral race edition
It's time to subject the two most popular Winnipeg mayoral candidates to a series of pop-culture and lifestyle questions — not to test their knowledge, but as a means of revealing their personalities.
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Tracking who they're backing: A guide to candidate allegiances, endorsements in Winnipeg's election
No fewer than 15 city council candidates are either supported by labour entities or are backing mayoral candidates. Here's where their allegiances lie.
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Motkaluk joins Bowman in pledging to freeze frontage levies
Mayoral candidate Jenny Motkaluk is pledging to freeze frontage-levy rates if elected mayor.
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Building Kenaston up instead of out, more town halls among proposals from Charleswood-Tuxedo candidates
From double-decking Kenaston Boulevard to increasing communication with residents, candidates running in Charleswood-Tuxedo differ on their approaches to taming traffic on Route 90.
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Rival accuses Bowman of pandering to firefighter union by attending Colorado memorial
A candidate for mayor of Winnipeg questioned whether a recent trip Brian Bowman made to Colorado — to attend a memorial for fallen firefighters in North America — was paid for by the Winnipeg firefighters union and if Bowman is in the pocket of union interests.
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Mayoral candidates support recreation, not as sure about rapid transit in CBC debate
Winnipeg mayoral candidates debated crime and safety, transportation, and their vision for Winnipeg's future at CBC Manitoba Thursday night.
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Motkaluk promises to replace 'decrepit' Louise Bridge right away, if elected
Jenny Motkaluk has promised to make replacing the aging Louise Bridge a Winnipeg infrastructure priority if she's elected mayor later this month.
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'They can make a change': Newcomers get chance to grill mayoral hopefuls
Newcomers to Winnipeg got a chance Saturday to ask questions of mayoral candidates in what’s being billed as a first-of-its-kind forum for the city.
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Mayoral candidate reveals he's homeless, another questioned about arrest
A mayoral candidates' debate in Winnipeg saw a few unexpected turns Thursday, including one candidate revealing he is homeless and another encouraging the crowd to applaud a rival on the basis of her gender.
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Is crime in Winnipeg really getting worse?
Crime is the most prevalent voter concern in this election campaign. CBC News takes a big-picture look at the numbers behind that concern - and how Winnipeg might respond.
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Mayoral candidate proposes 'negative toll bridge' to pay people to visit North End
Winnipeg mayoral candidate Ed Ackerman says the city should spend $400 million to pay motorists $10 a trip to cross into the North End, provided they spend that money in the area.
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Bike lanes win support at mayoral debate on Winnipeg urbanism and design
Winnipeggers need more ways to get around the city on foot and on bikes, seven mayoral candidates agreed during a debate on urbanism and design.
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Asper, Riley and Northcott named 'honorary' Bowman campaign co-chairs
Three well-known Winnipeggers are serving ceremonial roles in incumbent mayor Brian Bowman's re-election campaign.
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Bowman wants to remove overtime from police pensions
Incumbent mayoral candidate Brian Bowman used a campaign stop to extol the benefits of removing overtime from police pension calculations — but the police union says the city doesn't have the power to do so.
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And then there were 8: Incumbent Bowman faces more than half-dozen mayoral challengers
As of 4:30 p.m., incumbent mayoral candidate Brian Bowman and seven challengers have completed the nomination process and will appear on the election ballot on Oct. 24, pending any withdrawals on Wednesday, the deadline for dropping out of the race.
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Mayoral race takes on slightly more fowl tone
Jenny Motkaluk's campaign is growing more aggressive in its messaging as Winnipeg's 2018 municipal campaign enters its most serious phase. At least one volunteer has quit as a result.
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Winnipeg mayoral candidates make sewage, taxation pledges
Incumbent Brian Bowman and challenger Jenny Motkaluk made pledges about taxation and sewage outflows over the noon hour on Friday as the rhetoric intensified between the two mayoral candidates.
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First attack ad of 2018 Winnipeg mayoral race targets incumbent Brian Bowman
A 30-second television ad from the Winnipeg Police Association claims the city has a shortage of 911 operators and suggests Mayor Brian Bowman is to blame.
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Did Brian Bowman err in sitting out the first 4 months of Winnipeg's mayoral race?
With two-thirds of the campaign over, Brian Bowman has yet to make a policy pledge. Has the incumbent mayor has committed a strategic error?
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City unveils package of short-term measures to reduce panhandling
Winnipeg is rolling out a trio of pilot projects aimed at reducing what Mayor Brian Bowman calls "unsafe panhandling."
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City holding off on Portage and Main intersection work
The City of Winnipeg is hold off on awarding a Portage and Main revitalization contract until after voters have their say this fall in a plebiscite about reopening the intersection to pedestrians.
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