
4 candidates running in Transcona byelection

Nominations for the Transcona byelection closed  Monday with four candidates running to fill the vacant provincial seat on the eastern edge of Winnipeg.

Seat vacant following death of MLA Nello Altomare

A hand reaches out with a piece of paper, sliding it into the top of a box that says "Elections Manitoba" on its side.
Voters in Transcona have four candidates to choose from. (Tyson Koschik/CBC)

Nominations for the Transcona byelection closed Monday with four candidates running to fill the vacant provincial seat on the eastern edge of Winnipeg.

The death of former NDP MLA Nello Altomare led the provincial government to call the byelection.

Shannon Corbett, a vice-principal, is running for the NDP. The Progressive Conservatives have nominated former city councillor Shawn Nason. Brad Boudreau is running for the Liberals. Susan Auch, the former speedskater, is running as an independent candidate.

Advance voting in the byelection opens on March 8.

Byelection day is March 18.