Vince Li's upcoming move to group home sparks Winnipeg protest
Schizophrenia Society of Canada director says chances of psychotic episode low
About 50 people gathered at the Manitoba Legislature today to protest increased freedoms for Vince Li, who was found not criminally responsible for the 2008 beheading death of 22-year-old Timothy McLean.
Li, who had untreated schizophrenia at the time, stabbed, killed and ate parts of McLean's body while on a Greyhound bus full of passengers.
Li has been in the locked psychiatric ward of the Health Sciences Centre since February, but he was given permission this week to move into a group home in the city with round-the-clock staff and a curfew.

De Delley said she isn't confident Li will always take his medication,
"We all know what happens when he doesn't take his meds, but the fact that the decision is left to him, that ought to terrify everybody. I don't know why it doesn't. I don't know why everyone isn't up in arms."
Li could reoffend, critics say
Li's release also troubles Ginny Kirk and others who believe he will reoffend. Kirk, who met McLean while they were working at the Red River Exhibition, organized the Saturday afternoon "Justice for Tim McLean" rally at the Legislative Building.
"People are telling me they're concerned he'll drop his meds again and he'll do it again," said Kirk, adding that those attending the rally would have a chance to sign petitions asking for Li's freedoms to be restricted.
Brenda Hookham said she is angry with the justice and health systems because she feels there is no way to guarantee Li won't go off his medication.

She attended the rally because she, too, believes Li shouldn't be allowed to live in a group home.
"I would like to see Vince get the proper help he needs at a psych ward where he is going to be monitored all the time," said Hookham.
Closely monitored
But others feel confident Li poses a low risk of recidivism as long as he stays on his medication.
Chris Summerville, executive director of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada, said Winnipeggers shouldn't be worried about Li moving to a group home.

The more pressing concern, Summerville said, relates to the number of people living with mental illnesses who are not getting the help they need.
Li will be monitored closely, but that isn't the case for many others with the same mental disorder, which can cause confused thinking, hallucinations and an inability to distinguish what is and isn't real.
"Three percentage of those people ... will commit crimes and maybe something as horrible as murder," said Summerville.
"We're not thinking about the future in terms of preventing these kinds of things from happening again in the general population, because we're not providing the resources and the services that people need."
It's not likely Li will be walking the streets of Winnipeg alone, said Summerville, who thinks Li will want to remain as anonymous as possible in public to avoid run-ins with anyone who opposes his new freedom or wishes him harm.
Summerville said there will be a number of services available to Li to ensure he continues to improve in his recovery program.