Warm weather puts damper on donations to Winnipeg charity groups
Some people not thinking about Christmas yet, says Christmas Cheer Board

The Christmas Cheer Board isn't as busy as it usually is this time of year, and executive director Kai Madsen said "people just aren't thinking Christmas yet."
"I think a number of factors played into this. One was we had the Grey Cup Festival, the weather was wonderful, we don't have very much snow, it's still very nice, I mean we are going above zero," he said.
The Cheer Board need volunteers and donations, but they're not panicking yet, Madsen said, adding it's also surprising that fewer people have applied for hampers, which contain food and gifts.
"The people who are applying for hampers are kind of lulled into thinking Christmas is off a ways," he said. "If you haven't applied you should start now," Madsen said.
Over at Agape Table, they could use cash donations and winter clothing. So far, warm weather hasn't made people think about how the homeless are coping with cold.

After 35 years in operation offering free food to more than 300 people daily, Cunnin believes Manitobans will be generous again this year.
"So many people in the broader community and beyond care about this community," Cunnin said, "To do what we do, to offer the services everyday, we are totally dependent on on the generosity of people throughout Manitoba."
"What Agape Table offers is a community spirit...And it's a place for people who may be having some challenges in their life to come around and meet with friends, and know that they are understood and laugh a little."