Waverley Street underpass approved by Winnipeg city council
The project will cost an estimated $155 million, will receive provincial and federal funding

Winnipeg city councillors have approved a $155 million project that will see the intersection of Waverley Street at the CN Main line replaced with an underpass.
Approximately 30,000 vehicles and 40 trains use the intersection of a CN railway and Waverley Street every day, a city report found.
Mayor Brian Bowman tweeted his approval of council's vote Wednesday afternoon.
Pleased to announce <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WpgCouncil?src=hash">#WpgCouncil</a> is moving fwd with <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WaverleyUnderpass?src=hash">#WaverleyUnderpass</a>. Expected construction start date early 2017 <a href="https://t.co/rOrkZNodLu">https://t.co/rOrkZNodLu</a>
The government of Canada and the provincial government have each pledged to contribute $45.8 million to the project, amounting to one-third of eligible costs.
The City of Winnipeg must still negotiate with CN on how much the company would pay for the completion of the underpass.