Accused mail bomber Guido Amsel wants out-of-province judge, bail review
3 women were targets of attacks in which bombs were rigged through recording devices last July

A man accused of sending mail bombs to three women in Winnipeg is asking for a bail review and a judge from outside Manitoba to be appointed to his case.
Guido Amsel was denied bail in September and remains in custody. He is facing three counts of attempted murder, one charge of aggravated assault and a number of other weapons and explosives-related charges.

Mitousis represented Amsel's ex-wife during the couple's lengthy divorce proceedings.
A package intended for Amsel's ex-wife was detonated by police July 4 at a business on Washington Avenue. No one was injured.
A third bomb was detonated by police near the law office of Orle Bargen Davidson on Stradbrook Avenue on July 5. The lawyer who represented Amsel in divorce proceedings used to work there but no longer does.
The bail review and motion for an out-of-province judge will be heard on Feb. 22.
Amsel's lawyer said the case is unique in that this is the first time he has ever filed a motion for an out-of-province judge for a client.