Winnipeg bylaw manager calls for hefty fines for litterers
City committee hears new proposal for how to fine illegal dumpers, litterers

One City of Winnipeg officials wants to crack down on illegal dumping of everything from pop cans to major loads from businesses.
Peter de Graaf is the manager of community bylaw enforcement for the city. He said garbage dumping is becoming a major problem – especially in the North End.
"There are certain neighbourhoods where there are gross accumulations of garbage and illegal dumping," said de Graaf.
"It’s just not acceptable. We need to raise the bar and clean it up once and for all."
De Graaf spoke before a city committee Tuesday, suggesting a new plan for how the city combats illegal dumping and littering.
He wants to see fines of $4,000 handed to businesses who illegally dump garbage and $2,000 fines for individuals.
He’s also recommending fines for littering be set at $600.
De Graaf said he wants that upped and any unpaid fines to go on the offender’s property or business tax bill to ensure they’re paid.
"Illegal dumping is deliberate. It’s belligerent. It’s gross negligence at its worst for bylaw enforcement," said de Graaf.