Off to join the circus: Winnipeg youth audition during national tour
École nationale de cirque set to stop in Winnipeg Sunday

Winnipeg youth are contorting, swinging on trapezes, and putting all their acrobatic skills on display for a chance to join one of Canada's best circus schools.
Those who dream of running away to join the circus have the chance to audition for internationally-renowned École nationale de cirque (ENC) Sunday as part of its national pre-selection tour.
"They are looking for budding artists, people who have lots of creativity, energy, who like to try new, different things and circus might just be the outlet they're looking for," said Monica Goermann, director, Momentum Aerial and Acrobatic Troupe and at Monica's Danz Gym, which is hosting the pre-selection tour during its stop in Winnipeg.
During the auditions the young people will have their potential evaluated and get a chance to meet the Montreal-based school's teachers.
"They'll check out their gymnastics skills and also there's an element of improv, what is their theatrical ability?" she said.

If their skills impress at pre-selection, the youth have the option to attend the school's summer camp or audition to join the school.
Lillian Borger has attended ENC's summer program two years in a row.
"I've been to this camp and it's actually an incredible chance to go and meet with other youth who do circus," she said.
Borger performs in aerial silks, Cyr wheel, and general acrobatics.
"You kind of just have to go for it. It can be kind of scary, but when you have good teachers, and you know what you're doing and you have the strength built up, you can just go for it with confidence."
The 2018 pre-selection tour also had stops in Calgary, Disraeli, Gatineau, Halifax, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Sherbrooke, Toronto, Vancouver, and St. John's.