Reviews from the 2018 Winnipeg Fringe Festival
Not sure what to see at the Winnipeg Fringe? CBC Manitoba has you covered. Read all our 2018 reviews here.
Not sure what to see? CBC Manitoba will update this page regularly with fresh reviews from the Winnipeg Fringe

Are you ready to take a chance with Fringe? You can check out all of our reviews of shows at the 2018 Winnipeg Fringe Festival right here by rating or title.
This page will be updated throughout the festival, so check back every day!
Looking for a specific show? Jump to the alphabetical listings.
To see the full Fringe listings, head to the official Winnipeg Fringe website.
Reviews by rating
★★★★★ Five Stars:
- 6 Guitars (Reviewed at 2015 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Animosity
- Brain Machine
- Caws & Effect (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Cranbourne
- Daddy's Boy
- The Elephant Girls (Reviewed at 2016 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Fallen from the Toy Box
- James and Jamesy in the Dark (Reviewed at 2015 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Josephine, a Burlesque Cabaret Dream Play (Reviewed at 2017 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Journey to Kalcedon Island: A Steampunk Adventure
- Lip Service
- There Ain't No More!
- Nashville Hurricane (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Puppet Guy, Africa's top ventriloquist
- Rocko and Nakota: Tales From the Land
- Space Hippo (Reviewed at 2016 Winnipeg Fringe)
- TiBert is Back!
- The Wilds
★★★★ Four Stars:
- 2 Ruby Knockers, 1 Jaded Dick: A Dirk Darrow Investigation (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Awkward Hug
- Bad Habits
- The Ballad of Johnny Boy
- Chris Funk Live
- Darwin vs Rednecks
- Death - A Romantic Comedy
- The Elephant Song
- Family Dinner
- Field Zoology 101
- Flight (Reviewed at 2017 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Flute Loops
- Fool Muun Komming!
- Freestyle Fantastique
- Hamlet
- Hamlet (the rest is silence)
- How My Light Is Spent
- Ideas Bobert!
- Interstellar Elder
- Jellyfish are Immortal
- Jezebel, at the Still Point
- The Last 48
- Medea and the Argonauts
- Maybe Baby
- The Merkin Sisters (Reviewed at 2017 Winnipeg Fringe)
- A Nightmare on East Hastings Street
- Old Dyke Tales
- Sex? But I'm Canadian!
- Terms & Conditions
- VarieTEASE: Room 100 at the Chelsea Hotel
- War of 1812
- Whiteface
★★★ Three Stars:
- 421 Is Dead: A StormTrooper Parody
- Big in Sudan: The (Mis)adventures of a Vagabond Musician
- Bill Pritchard's Address to the Jury
- Bushel and Peck
- Call Girls
- Cock Tales: Shame on Me!
- Confessional
- Dandymouth: word. play.
- Drops In a Broken Fountain
- The F Words: Fab, Funny, Fierce!
- Graham Clark's Not Here
- Hushabye - A Doomsday Comedy
- I'm Not Taylor Swift
- Inauguration Vacation
- Irena Sendler: Rescuing the Rescuer
- jem rolls: I, IDIOT.
- Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
- Martin Dockery: Wide-Eyed
- A one human being, potentially comedic performance of LES MISERABLES
- The Most Unlikely Comedian
- One Date City
- Please Be Seated
- Puss in Boots (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- A Sad-Ass Cabaret
- Scandals of the Boy-Mind
- See Bob Run
- See No Evil
- Tales Too Tall for Trailers
- Thom Pain (based on nothing)
- Today, For Now
- Traveltheatrics
- The Wild Dog Waits On The Concrete Path
- WOKE Comedy Hour: Fringe Edition
★★ Two Stars:
- Delightfully Rude
- Hundred Shows Price of One!
- I Think I'm Dead
- Macbeth: The After Party
- Maple & Sticky's Amazing Olympic Race
- Mother's Little Secret
- She Was A Great Dad
- Sidetrack Bandits: Round 2
- Vikings and Romans: The Untold Stories
★ One Star:
Reviews from A to Z
- 2 Ruby Knockers, 1 Jaded Dick: A Dirk Darrow Investigation (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- 6 Guitars (Reviewed at 2015 Winnipeg Fringe)
- 421 Is Dead: A StormTrooper Parody
- Animosity
- Awkward Hug
- Bad Habits
- The Ballad of Johnny Boy
- Big in Sudan: The (Mis)adventures of a Vagabond Musician
- Bill Pritchard's Address to the Jury
- Brain Machine
- Bushel and Peck
- Call Girls
- Caws & Effect (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Chris Funk Live
- Cock Tales: Shame on Me!
- Confessional
- Cranbourne
- Daddy's Boy
- Dandymouth: word. play.
- Darwin vs Rednecks
- Death - A Romantic Comedy
- Delightfully Rude
- Drops In a Broken Fountain
- The Elephant Girls (Reviewed at 2016 Winnipeg Fringe)
- The Elephant Song
- The F Words: Fab, Funny, Fierce!
- Fallen from the Toy Box
- Family Dinner
- Field Zoology 101
- Flight (Reviewed at 2017 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Flute Loops
- Fool Muun Komming!
- Freestyle Fantastique
- Graham Clark's Not Here
- Hamlet
- Hamlet (the rest is silence)
- How My Light Is Spent
- Hundred Shows Price of One!
- Hushabye - A Doomsday Comedy
- I Think I'm Dead
- I'm Not Taylor Swift
- Ideas Bobert!
- Inauguration Vacation
- Interstellar Elder
- Irena Sendler: Rescuing the Rescuer
- James and Jamesy in the Dark (Reviewed at 2015 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Jellyfish are Immortal
- jem rolls: I, IDIOT.
- Jezebel, at the Still Point
- Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
- Josephine, a Burlesque Cabaret Dream Play (Reviewed at 2017 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Journey to Kalcedon Island: A Steampunk Adventure
- The Last 48
- Lip Service
- Macbeth: The After Party
- Maple & Sticky's Amazing Olympic Race
- Martin Dockery: Wide-Eyed
- Maybe Baby
- Medea and the Argonauts
- The Merkin Sisters (Reviewed at 2017 Winnipeg Fringe)
- The Most Unlikely Comedian
- Mother's Little Secret
- Nashville Hurricane (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- A Nightmare on East Hastings Street
- Old Dyke Tales
- One Date City
- A one human being, potentially comedic performance of LES MISERABLES
- Please Be Seated
- Puppet Guy, Africa's top ventriloquist
- Puss in Boots (Reviewed at 2014 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Rocko and Nakota: Tales From the Land
- A Sad-Ass Cabaret
- Scandals of the Boy-Mind
- See Bob Run
- See No Evil
- Sex? But I'm Canadian!
- She Was A Great Dad
- Sidetrack Bandits: Round 2
- Space Hippo (Reviewed at 2016 Winnipeg Fringe)
- Tales Too Tall for Trailers
- Terms & Conditions
- There Ain't No More!
- Thom Pain (based on nothing)
- TiBert Is Back!
- Today, For Now
- Traveltheatrics
- Two White Guys Solve All the World's Problems
- VarieTEASE: Room 100 at the Chelsea Hotel
- Vikings and Romans: The Untold Stories
- War of 1812
- Whiteface
- The Wild Dog Waits On The Concrete Path
- The Wilds
- WOKE Comedy Hour: Fringe Edition
Wondering what to see? See the reviews sorted by rating.
With files from Stephanie Cram, Andrew Friesen, Kaj Hasselriis, Michelle Palansky, John Sadoway, Bradley Sawatzky, Joff Schmidt and Kelly Stifora.