Beers About Songs
Fun show made slightly torturous watching star drink while audience swelters

Rating: ★★★
Company: PHAB Productions
Genre: Storytelling
Venue: 3- Pantages Studio
A drink-lovin', 6"4 teddy bear of a troubadour, Ryan Adam Wells in his hour-long, one-man confessional, pours his heart out in song.
Stories of love found and lost, a cautionary tale against mixing whiskey with Coyote Ugly, and through it all, his steadfast companion, "the longest and most stable relationship of my life" – beer.
Which leads me to my main criticism of the show. For goodness sake man, if you are going to devote a show to the joys of beer, mount the damn thing in a bar. It is a special kind of torture to sit cheek by jowl with 50 other people, listening to songs about beer, watching the performer drink beer, while the audience stays dry.
A drink-lovin', 6"4 teddy bear of a troubadour, Ryan Adam Wells pours his heart out in song.- Michelle Palansky
There is a serious side to the show; it's not all good ol' boy Southern charm and good times. Beers About Songs is a confessional, the details of which I will leave to Wells to reveal. I will say that he concludes the performance with an exhortation to the audience to reach out to each other and to love each other. That's lovely.