Roller Coaster
Roller Coaster takes the audience on highs and lows but misses the final drop

Rating: ★★★
Company: Big Sandwich Productions
Genre: Storytelling
Venue: 28 — Dramatic Arts Centre
What use WOULD an autobiographical monologist be in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies?
An excellent question and one that is given serious purchase, along with many other thorny puzzles considered in TJ Dawe's latest offering.
Dawe lays down many threads with which he weaves his 65-minute show; the social significance of the rise of theme parks; the proliferation of the occult in pop culture; a possible explanation for why men still go to war; and most chillingly, a half dozen different scenarios positing how the Trump presidency will play out.
A confident and magnetic storyteller, Dawe covers a lot of thought-provoking ground but does not achieve a strong resolution. With storytelling, there is an expectation that the set will come full circle, or there will be a final moment of clarity, or some sort of catharsis.
Dawe takes the audience on a wide-ranging, roller coaster of a ride, but misses the final drop.- Michelle Palansky
Dawe takes the audience on a wide-ranging, roller coaster of a ride, but misses the final drop.