Tourism Winnipeg takes over Visit Saint Paul Twitter account after winning Jets bet
Tourism agencies for both cities made a bet on 1st-round playoff series between Jets and Wild

The glow of the Jets' first-round victory in the NHL playoffs continues to radiate throughout Winnipeg, and now it has extended a little farther south.
For one hour, Tourism Winnipeg took over the Twitter account of Visit Saint Paul, the tourism agency for the home city of the Minnesota Wild.
Welcome to all of our new Canadian friends here for the <a href="">#onlyinthepeg</a> takeover!<a href="">#MYSAINTPAUL</a>-ites, we promise we'll come back for you.<br>Handing off to <a href="">@TourismWPG</a> in 3...2...1... <a href=""></a>
This wasn't the result of a vengeful hack. Tourism Winnipeg and Visit Saint Paul made a bet that the city whose team won the series would get control of the loser's Twitter account from 11 a.m. to noon.
The Jets beat the Wild in five games, with a crushing 5-0 shutout victory to clinch the series.
But rather than gloat over the superiority of the local sports team, Tourism Winnipeg took the opportunity to promote the Canadian city to its neighbours to the south.
.<a href="">@TourismWPG</a> here! One of the many great things about Saint Paul is that it is relatively close to the world-class city of <a href="">#Winnipeg</a>, Manitoba, Canada. That place is so magical you'd swear it was the setting for a <a href="">@jk_rowling</a> book. <br><br>Like, just look at this place! Magnificent. <a href=""></a>
Well, there might have been a little gloating.
While we could probably tweet all day about how perfect Winnipeg is for your next family vacation, you should probably just follow <a href="">@TourismWPG</a>. Oh, and our money is on the <a href="">@NHLJets</a> winning the Cup. Have you seen the crowds they are getting up there!?!? Amazing! <a href="">#GoJetsGo</a> <a href=""></a>
The Saint Paul agency was a good sport about it. After begrudgingly handing over the keys to the account, Visit Saint Paul resumed control with a shoutout to the Peg.
That wasn’t so bad, was it? Thanks to <a href="">@TourismWPG</a> for going easy on us and sharing some fantastic info about <a href="">#Winnipeg</a>. We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait to book our trip!<br><br>We now return you to your regularly scheduled <a href="">#MYSAINTPAUL</a> programming... <a href=""></a>