Winnipeg man relieved 94-year-old mom safe and sound
Bessie Johnson was found in a St. Vital garage Monday after wandering from her home Sunday night
The son of an elderly woman who went missing from her care home is relieved his mother is all right.
Bessie Johnson, 94, wandered away from an assisted living facility in Riverbend Sunday.

Her son Victor Johnson and his wife were grateful to hear she was found safe and sound.

Johnson had last been seen in the Riverbend area on Sunday, at about 4 p.m., walking eastbound over the Chief Peguis Bridge.
Victor said he and his family started searching for his mother shortly after hearing of her disappearance. After a sleepless night, Bessie was found.
Police believe she may have climbed into an unlocked car at one point and was unknowingly driven to the St. Vital home, where she was found by the owners the next morning.
Police are still trying to figure out exactly how Bessie made her way to the unlocked car.
"I think at the end of the day, we are just very grateful, if we can't even really determine exactly how that occurred ... that she's alive and she's well," said Const. Natalie Aiken.
Doctors are monitoring Bessie in hospital, but she is reported to be in fine condition.
Victor said he would like to see security at the front door of Bessie's residence in the future to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.
He said at 94, his mother doesn't remember much about what happened.
Victor is thankful for everyone who helped in the search for his mother, and said he knows things could have been worse.
"The man upstairs watches her a lot," said Victor. "He must take special care of her."