Winnipeg police HQ costs require audit: city councillor
Paula Havixbeck says Winnipeggers have right to know why it's $75 million overbudget
A Winnipeg city councillor wants an audit of the new police headquarters construction project.
Paula Havixbeck will bring a motion to city council next week calling for a review into everything that went wrong with the reconstruction of the former Canada Post building.
It is now $75 million dollars over the original cost estimate.
Havixbeck, the councillor for Charleswood - Tuxedo, said the audit should be done by an outside company.
Her motion says citizens have a right to know how such a significant amount of money was spent.
She is calling for anyone in office or in the bureaucracy who were involved since the inception of the project be interviewed.
The motion draws a comparison to the review of the four fire paramedics stations that showed "gross mismanagement and incompetence and significant cost overruns."
She is calling for the report to be done and presented to city council by May 1, 2014.