Winnipeg police officer charged with drunk driving, RCMP say
A member of the Winnipeg Police Service was charged with drinking and driving earlier this month, RCMP say.
Darren Murphy, 46, had nearly 3X legal blood-alcohol content in system at time of arrest

A member of the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) was charged for drunk driving earlier this month, RCMP say.
Oakbank RCMP were called to the Kilcona Park area June 1 around 9:15 p.m. after reports of a man, who appeared to be drunk, getting behind the wheel of a pickup truck.
An RCMP officer watched the man drive several metres before getting out of the vehicle. He approached the driver and noticed he was drunk. The RCMP officer then arrested WPS member Darren Murphy, 46.
Murphy's blood-alcohol content was allegedly nearly three-times the legal limit, RCMP said.
He's been charged with two counts of impaired driving. Murphy has been released from custody while he awaits his date in court.