Winnipeg's 5th CEO Sleepout raises $163,000 for homeless

In total, 134 participants, including CEOs and community leaders, slept outside at Portage and Main and raised $163,000 to fund antipoverty programs in the city.
"It's a lovely event," said Ari Driver, chair of the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ homelessness committee.
Many members of Winnipeg's homeless population join participants for the event, she said.

Restaurants donate food for the CEO Sleepout and people share a meal together like a big family, said Driver.
"It's a great event," said Driver. "It's just very organic. People just get together; you don't know who is who."
Money raised by the CEO Sleepout goes to the homelessness committee, which sees its mission as providing a "hand up" not a "handout" to people living in poverty, said Driver.
"This initiative of the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ provides money and pays wages for jobs and programs," she said. "Sometimes we just need to offer a helping hand."
The morning after Winnipeg's annual CEO Sleepout at Portage & Main. 100+ CEO's draw attention to homelessness <a href="">#cbcmb</a> <a href=""></a>