Candidate field almost set for Winnipeg South Centre byelection
In Portage-Lisgar, Conservative Party members select byelection candidate this weekend

Four federal parties have candidates in place to run in an upcoming byelection in Winnipeg South Centre, a riding that's sat vacant since the death of Liberal MP Jim Carr in December.
The Liberal Party has nominated educator Ben Carr to follow in his late father's footsteps, the candidate said on Friday. No one ran against Carr after municipal politician Sherri Rollins bowed out of a potential nomination contest.
The Conservative Party has nominated Damir Stipanovic, an air traffic controller and member of the Royal Canadian Air Force Reserve, said Derek Rolstone, a spokesperson for the candidate. The party confirmed there was no other contestant.
The NDP nominated clinical psychologist Julia Riddell in February. The Green Party has nominated educator Doug Hemmerling.
The Liberals have held Winnipeg South Centre for all but four years since the riding was created in 1988. The Conservatives represented it from 2011 to 2015.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must announce a byelection in Winnipeg South Centre by June 11. The latest possible date to hold that byelection is Aug. 1.
Portage-Lisgar CPC nomination race
A second Manitoba byelection is expected this year in Portage-Lisgar, one of the most reliably Conservative seats in Canada. Longtime Conservative MP Candice Bergen resigned in February.
Former Manitoba PC finance minister Cameron Friesen, former Elmwood-Transcona Conservative MP Lawrence Toet, former Bergen campaign manager Branden Leslie and former Bergen volunteer Don Cruikshank are vying for the Conservative nomination in Portage-Lisgar.
Party members in Portage-Lisgar are expected to select a candidate — and the presumptive next MP in the riding — this weekend.
The Portage-Lisgar byelection must be announced no later than Aug. 27. The latest date the byelection could be held is Oct. 17.