Boy becomes 2nd fatality in family tragedy at apartment complex pool
Aarav Misra dies in hospital where his father, Ram Nivash Misra, died earler

A boy who was pulled from the bottom of a St. James apartment complex pool on Sunday is the second family member to die in the incident.
On Wednesday, Winnipeg police and the Hindu Society of Manitoba confirmed Aarav Misra had died. His father, Ram Nivash Misra, 38, was confirmed deceased on Tuesday.
Misra's elder son, Shreyaan, continues to fight for his life in hospital.
The father and sons were rushed to hospital in critical condition just before 5 p.m. on Sunday from the Courts of St. James.
The family is new to Canada, Ajay Pandey, president of the Hindu Society of Manitoba, said Tuesday.
He said Misra came to Canada from India a little over a year ago, and his wife and sons joined a couple of months ago. They had just moved to the St. James apartment building at the beginning of April.
It's unclear what happened before the incident but Pandey says he was told it was an accidental drowning.
"They were found in the pool, under the water, and some [people] rushed over there, they took them out and called 911," he said Tuesday.
Pandey said at the time he'd been told the boys' mother was not in the pool at the time, but was in shock and being medicated at the hospital.
He said the family's community is devastated.
- An earlier version of the story contained an incorrect spelling of Aarav Misra's first name.Apr 26, 2019 3:54 PM EDT