Read a translated version of the letter Alexandre Bissonnette's parents wrote
Parents of mosque shooting suspect pen letter to Radio-Canada, calling act 'inexcusable'

The parents of Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, who is charged with six counts of first-degree murder and six counts of attempted murder in the Quebec City mosque shooting, spoke publicly for the first time in a letter sent to Radio-Canada.
Bissonnette's trial, which will be before a jury, is set to begin March 26.
CBC News has translated the letter in its entirety. It follows below.
The night of Jan. 29, 2017, our lives were upended and we've been living in what feels like a nightmare ever since.
The heartache and pain caused to the innocent victims and their families by this inexcusable act remains to this day, to us, completely unexplainable. So many lives were needlessly destroyed.
Following the tragic event, we chose not to speak with media outlets and instead express our condolences directly to the victims and their families in a personal letter that was handed to them by Mr. Mohamed Labidi, vice-president of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec.
For us, too, sorrow and pain have set in. There were serious threats directed at Alexandre and our family. Fortunately, police intervened, but we live in fear that there will be more.
Alexandre is still our son, whom we love and who will always be a part of our family. Like all parents, we hoped to see him succeed and be happy in life. In a way, we also lost a son.
The courageous and unifying speech imam Hassan Guillet gave at the funerals last year profoundly moved us. We would like to thank all those who took the time to share their support — relatives, colleagues, friends, neighbours and even strangers. Their words and heartwarming gestures gave us courage and help keep us going.
- Manon Marchand and Raymond Bissonnette
The original version of this letter, in French, can be found here.