Jacob Serebin
Latest from Jacob Serebin

Montreal restaurants adapt to rising costs, but worry customers might be priced out
As Montreal restaurants adapt to rising costs and impending deadlines to repay loans issued during the pandemic, some chefs from Montreal worry about the future of the city's dining scene.
Canada -Montreal |

Proposed class action claims foreign workers exploited by Quebec recruiter, airline caterer
An international aviation catering company and a Quebec recruitment firm allegedly lured foreign workers to Canada under false pretences and exploited them, according to a proposed class-action lawsuit.
Canada -Montreal |

Racial profiling trial debates power of Quebec police to make random car stops
Luamba said he believes he was racially profiled during the traffic stops — none of which resulted in a ticket — and he is seeking to have a common law rule that allows Canadian police to stop drivers for no reason to be declared unconstitutional.
Canada -Montreal |

Frustration over COVID-19 restrictions boosts Quebec Conservatives ahead of fall vote
Christian Bourque, executive vice-president of polling firm Leger, said the Quebec Conservative Party has become a home for people who feel that they've been talked down to, or dismissed as conspiracy theorists, during the pandemic.
Canada -Montreal |

Quebec father says daughter freezing as school leaves windows open
The Quebec government has recommended better airflow in classrooms and has offered air exchanges to schools. But it's not clear how many have been installed and many teachers are having to open windows, despite bitterly cold weather in the province.
Canada -Montreal |

Montreal, Laval still have lower COVID-19 vaccination rates than rest of Quebec
Two of the Quebec cities most affected by COVID-19 — Montreal and its northern suburb Laval, Que., — have among the lowest vaccination rates in the province, according to data from Quebec's public health institute.
Canada -Montreal |

As COVID-19 cases drop in Quebec nursing homes experts credit vaccine, other factors
The number of outbreaks and infections in long-term care facilities and seniors residences has dropped sharply, gerontologists suggest a number of factors are at play, including vaccination.
Canada -Montreal |