Bill 60 may not be the ticket to a PQ majority government
Latest polls show PQ is losing voter support

Pollsters like to remind us that an opinion poll is nothing more than a single snapshot.
Well the latest CROP/La Presse survey shows us an interesting picture.
It's the first time since the Lac Mégantic disaster that the Parti Québécois lost voter support.
In the latest poll, which was taken last week, the party got a disapproval rating of 63 per cent.
That's up from last month's 61 per cent.
The poll also shows a shift in who Quebecers think would make a better premier.
Last month, current premier and PQ leader Pauline Marois just eked ahead of Couillard — of those surveyed, 22 per cent chose Marois, and 21 per cent picked Couillard.
This time, Couillard jumped up to 26 per cent support, while 21 per cent of respondents said Marois could do a better job as premier of the province.
The poll also revealed that while 48 per cent of Quebecers support a charter of secular values, only 32 per cent plan to vote for the PQ.
All of this shows that Bill 60, the proposed charter of secularism, may not necessarily be the PQ's ticket to a majority government.
The survey was taken between Nov. 13-17, right in the middle of the Fatima Houda-Pépin crisis inside the Liberal party.
Next month's picture will show us if Couilllard's decision to soften his opposition to a ban on religious symbols will help or hurt his chances of winning the next election.