CAQ proposes values charter compromise
François Legault says PQ dragging out debate for political reasons

Coalition Avenir Québec leader François Legault has proposed a compromise on the Parti Québécois' proposed charter of values, which he said should be passed to quickly end the controversial debate.
Legault said the PQ is dragging out discussions over the charter of values for political reasons, and said there is no need for weeks of consultations.
"People, they will have to do some compromises. Because right now, of course, we will not find a solution where everybody will be happy. But I think if we really want everybody happy we should go to another subject,” said Legault.
Legault is proposing a more limited ban on religious symbols for public servants that would apply to police, judges and figures of authority, as well as teachers.
However, unlike the PQ’s plan, his plan would see health care workers and daycare workers exempted.
Legault said he's prepared to sit down with the PQ minister responsible for the charter, Bernard Drainville, to work out a deal, because he’s worried about what might happen if the debate drags on.
“There is a risk of a social crisis. Quebec is so divided, so polarized,” said Legault.
He said the best thing to do is for all sides to sign on to his compromise and then move on.