Cyclist killed in Griffintown after being hit, dragged by truck
43-year-old male cyclist hit and then dragged for nearly a block

A 43-year-old cyclist was killed after being hit by a transport truck on Nazareth Street near the Bonaventure Expressway.
The incident happened just after 9:15 a.m. on Wellington Street between Nazareth and Brennan streets, just north of the Peel Basin.
A CN transport truck that was turning right off of Wellington onto Nazareth hit and dragged the 43-year-old male cyclist for at least 100 metres.
A woman driving a car behind the truck witnessed the gruesome incident and flagged the truck driver to pull over.
Firefighters had to extricate the cyclist from the back axle of the truck.
The truck driver — a 62-year-old man — and the witness were taken to hospital where they are being treated for shock.
Brennan and Nazareth streets remain closed while police investigate the incident.
This is the second cycling fatality in 2014 on the island of Montreal.