
Citing linguistic angst, Quebec Conservative Leader Éric Duhaime courts Anglo vote

The Quebec Conservatives hope repealing Bill 96 will earn them votes from Quebec’s English community.

Fledgling party hopes repealing Bill 96 will earn votes of English-Quebecers

The Conservative Party of Quebec takes a stance on Bill 96 calculated to help it make inroads with anglophone voters in the province. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press)

"We don't see the anglophone community in Quebec as a threat, we see them as allies."

It's Day 10 of Quebec's election campaign and for the first time, Éric Duhaime is holding a news conference that is half in English and half in French. 

The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec is doing something even more audacious for this province though. He's standing at a podium with a sign that's written only in English, with the word "Bill 96" struck through in red.

"Unlike the Liberals, we didn't flip-flop two, three times. We didn't betray the English community," Duhaime said. "We wouldn't deny basic rights and freedoms to any Quebecers."

Everything in the announcement appears calculated. The bilingualism, the sign, the questions from journalists alternating between English and French, and the news release issued in both languages.

At other events, earlier in the campaign, Duhaime would only say two or three sentences in English to summarize the announcement — if that. 

"I invite all anglophones to seriously consider voting for the Conservative Party of Quebec," Duhaime said Tuesday.

Promise to repeal Bill 96 is veiled attack on Liberals

Duhaime has said, if elected, his party would repeal the updated French language law, calling it unduly divisive.

He's quick to blame the Liberal Party of Quebec for "taking advantage of the anglophone community."

That's how Bonnie Feigenbaum feels. The long-time provincial Liberal has been recruited by the Conservatives to run in the riding of D'Arcy-McGee, made up the municipalities of Côte-Saint-Luc and Hampstead, both of which have sizeable English-speaking populations.

"I'm tired of being lied to, I'm tired of being discounted," she says. "I'm tired of being told wait, wait, wait, we'll deal with you later."

Duhaime sees an opening, much like his previous party, the Action Démocratique du Québec, did almost two decades ago.

Then, as now, the focus turned to predominately anglophone and allophone ridings, primarily in Montreal.

It did not work for the ADQ.

Ridings such as Marguerite-Bourgeoys, Westmount–Saint-Louis and D'Arcy-McGee have been Liberal red for decades.

"A minority does not have an advantage by being hostage of one single party," Duhaime says, of anglos and the Liberals. 

"Those who are voting based on linguistic rights, there's no threat. [Anglos] can vote for us. We're not a separatist party," Duhaime says.

When asked if there were a referendum now, Duhaime said he would vote against it, but he wouldn't go as far as saying holding a referendum would never happen under his watch.

"Je veux fermer la porte mais je ne veux pas la barrer et jeter la clé dans le fleuve," he said in French — he wants to close that door but he doesn't want to lock it and throw away the key.


Sarah Leavitt

National Reporter

Sarah Leavitt is a national reporter with CBC, often found out in the field covering the province of Quebec. She's covered the Paris 2024 Olympics, the Gisele Pelicot trial in Avignon, the Yellowknife wildfires and more. She loves hearing people's stories so tell her yours: