
Ethics dominate last Montreal mayor debate

Montreal's three main mayoral candidates are scrambling to position themselves as the best candidate to clean up city hall.

Montreal's three main mayoral candidates are scrambling to position themselves as the best candidate to clean up city hall.

Gérald Tremblay, Louise Harel and Richard Bergeron squared off in a rush-hour debate at Berri-UQÀM metro station on Monday.

The focus was on ethics.

Harel said she would put municipal contract tenders online to publicize the list of bidders.

Bergeron said he would create an anti-corruption squad within the Montreal police.

Tremblay, who is completing his second term as mayor, said he needs more time to continue the cleanup work he already started.

All three candidates agreed the provincial government needs to call a public inquiry into campaign financing and municipal contracts.

About 100 voters watched the debate, which was later broadcast on CBC's French language radio service.