Ex-NDP MP Manon Perreault ordered to pay $1,400 after mischief conviction
Former NDP MP Manon Perreault will have to pay a total of $1,400 and will be on probation for one year after being previously convicted of mischief.
Perreault found guilty of mischief after she falsely accused a former employee of theft

Former NDP MP Manon Perreault will have to pay a total of $1,400 and will be on probation for one year after being previously convicted of mischief.
The 49-year-old Perreault has been sitting as an Independent MP since being ejected from the NDP caucus in June 2014.
She was found guilty earlier this year of mischief after she falsely accused a former employee of theft.
A Quebec court judge fined Perreault $1,000 today and tacked on $400 in court costs and a victim fine surcharge.
The Crown had been seeking a fine of $2,500, while the defence wanted an absolute discharge.
Perreault was elected with more than 50 per cent of the vote in the Quebec riding of Montcalm in 2011 as part of the NDP wave in the province.