Renovations force FACE to delay first day of school
Students were supposed to return Monday, but will now be going back Wednesday

Students at Montreal's FACE school are getting an extra two days of summer vacation.
In a letter sent to parents Friday, the school announced it will be opening to students on Wednesday instead of on Monday as planned.
The building underwent renovations to its third and fourth floors over the summer and won't be cleaned up in time for Monday morning.
"Please rest assured that we are making all arrangements and taking all means necessary for the work in progress to be executed thoroughly and safely for the benefit of both your child and our personnel," said principal Annie Lamarre in the letter.
The school's daycare service will be open Monday and Tuesday for parents who need it, but any child attending must bring a cold lunch as the cafeteria won't be open.
Andrew Edwards, the president of FACE's governing board, said the school could have better communicated with parents.
"It's always a little disappointing when it happens so late," Edwards said. "I'm sure there are a lot of frustrated parents today."
No one from the Commission Scolaire de Montreal would grant CBC an interview, but an official said the school board stands by its communication policy.
In May, lead was found in the school's drinking water following renovations to the building.
Students and staff were immediately told not to drink from the school's water fountains, but parents were only informed of the lead contamination three days after it was discovered.