Georges Laraque steps down as Green Party candidate
Won't return to politics until he clears his name

Former NHL enforcer Georges Laraque says he is putting his political career with the federal Green Party on hold so he can fight fraud charges against him.
Laraque told a news conference in Montreal this morning it is important for him to be able to clear his name.
Party leader Elizabeth May called it a sad day but reiterated her support for Laraque.
Laraque announced Thursday that he was stepping down as deputy leader and was withdrawing his candidacy for the party in a Montreal-area byelection.
Earlier this year, media reported that police near Montreal raided Laraque's home in search of documents related to the Super-Glide synthetic ice venture.
Laraque confirmed earlier this week the criminal charges are related to two transactions worth a total of $120,000. He said the accusations stem from a dispute with engineer Marc Filion, who co-founded the company with him in 2009.