Gilles Guibord no longer Conservative candidate after internet comments surface
Blog published past comments he made on various Journal de Montréal newspaper articles
Gilles Guibord is no longer running as a Conservative candidate in Montreal after some online comments he made in the past few years were called into question.

"First Nations refused to integrate into European culture. It's their right, but there was a price to pay for that decision: Rejecting urban society and its advantages. The federal government used corruption to keep First Nations quieter… Political parties didn't take responsibility for integrating aboriginal communities…"
"Before treating our ancestors as thieves, we have to at least not betray history. In Quebec, it's the descendents of the French who have ancestral rights [to land], not the Mohawks. The Supreme Court still does not understand that."
Under a blog post about religious attitudes toward women's bodies he wrote:
"To be fair, I think it's better to speak of men's authority over women, than of superiority. I think that male-female relations were not determined by religion, but rather by forces present before religions [existed]. Man was stronger than woman, the woman was placed under his protection. Because of pregnancies, women were often in a state of fragility or insecurity, so men protected them, etc."
The Conservative Party of Canada wouldn't say whether Guibord had been fired — it would only confirm that Guibord is no longer running for the party in the Montreal riding of Rosemont–La-Petite-Patrie.
Any mention of Guibord has been removed from the CPC's website.
Guibord, who was an active member of the Parti Québécois in the 1960s and 1970s before running for the Conservatives, did not immediately return request for comment.
His departure comes the same week that Ala Buzreba stepped down as the Liberal candidate for Calgary Nose Hill after coming under fire for comments she had posted on Twitter in 2011.