'I blocked it out,' alleged victim testifies in sexual abuse trial of Fr. Brian Boucher
Man in his 30s says he was sexually abused by Montreal Catholic priest

A second witness has testified he was sexually abused beginning when he was 11 by Montreal Catholic priest Brian Boucher.
The allegations date back to the mid-1990s, a decade before the complainant in this trial alleges he was similarly abused by Boucher.
The witness, now in his 30s, said he came to know Boucher when he was an altar boy at St. John Brébeuf Parish in Montreal's Lasalle borough.
He testified Boucher was the junior of two priests at the parish at that time and had become a friend of his family.
The witness said he had an absent father, and his grandfather thought Boucher would be a positive influence on his grandson.
"I was sexually abused," the witness testified. "He started small. I see now he was grooming me."
Pornography, motels
The witness testified the abuse started when he was 11.
He said Boucher would often drive him home from church and that he would sometimes spend time in the rectory, where he would do his homework on Boucher's computer.
He said they would sometimes come across banner ads on websites for pornography, and Boucher would question him about whether he liked such images.
"It seemed like he was saying, 'It's OK to experience this around me,'" the witness testified.
He said during rides home, Boucher would always put his hand on his lap, over time moving it closer to his genitals.
He testified that eventually during these rides home, Boucher would say that he was tired and needed to check into a motel to have a nap.
He said Boucher would take a shower and then ask him to take a shower. The witness said when he came out of the shower, Boucher would often be watching pornography on the television.
He said Boucher would try to touch his genitals and force him to give and receive oral sex. He said Boucher would also lie naked on top of him, straddle him and rub his genitals against his pubic region.
Confession after alleged abuse
The witness testified this happened almost weekly over a period of two years, until he was 13.
He said he sometimes tried to resist or say no, but sometimes he just gave in.
"I felt like the sooner this was over with, the sooner I can go home. I blocked it out. I don't know where I am, and this guy is my ride home," he testified.
He said after these incidents, Boucher would often say to him, "We shouldn't have done that. We have to go confess."
He said Boucher would then drive him to different churches, and they would each go into the confessional. He said he doesn't know what Boucher said in confession, but he never said anything himself.
He said after what happened with Boucher, he no longer trusted any priest.
Police complaint
The witness testified the abuse stopped when he was 13. He said he grew more confident after getting his first girlfriend, becoming "brave enough and strong enough" to stay away from Boucher.
He testified he never told his family about the abuse at the time, hoping to spare them any bad feelings.
"I was ashamed," he told the court. "How the hell was I supposed to let that pain hit my family?"
He testified he told his sister about the abuse when he was in his 20s.
He said he went to police after Bishop Thomas Dowd, the Archdiocese of Montreal's auxiliary bishop, got in touch with his sister a couple of years ago to ask if anything had ever happened with Boucher.
He said Dowd encouraged him to file a police complaint, going with him to the police station when made his statement.
Alleged abuse still haunts witness
He said he still feels the effects of the alleged abuse to this day.
"It's the little things that still affect me today. Even if someone I care for puts their hand on my leg, it still affects me," he said.
He choked up when he testified of finally telling his mother about the alleged abuse.
"At my age, I told my mom. Seeing her break down ... it was devastating," he said.
"I've come so far. I had to do this because there's other people," he testified. "I'm sure I'm not the only one."
He added he had no direct knowledge of any other allegations against Boucher.
Boucher facing other allegations in separate trial
Tuesday's witness is not a complainant in this case, and his testimony could be ruled inadmissible.
Crown prosecutor Annabelle Sheppard told reporters outside the courtroom this witness is one of two complainants in a separate case against Boucher. That trial is set for January.
The witness was called as a "similar-fact witness," to try to establish a pattern of behaviour by Boucher.
In court, Sheppard told the judge that she wanted to introduce a similar-fact witness, based on statements in affidavits from Boucher about how he intends to defend himself in the case.
She said Boucher alleges the complainant who testified Monday fabricated the sexual assault allegations, allegedly as revenge because Boucher had told his mother about a sexual relationship he had with a girl at the time of the allegations.
Boucher is expected to testify in his own defence later this week.
Sheppard said the testimony of the similar-fact witness was necessary to bolster the alleged victim's credibility.
Quebec court Judge Patricia Compagnone said she would hear arguments Wednesday about the admissibility of today's testimony, and make a ruling on that Thursday.