3 questions with: Just-for-Laughs comedian Sugar Sammy
Just-for-Laughs comics on their biggest fails, their best G-rated jokes, the funniest thing about Montreal

For the 34th year, the hottest comedians in the world will descend on Montreal for the Just for Laughs Festival. With so many funny people in one place, we wanted to find out what makes them laugh: their biggest fails, their best (profanity-free) jokes and the funniest thing about Montreal.
In today's edition , Quebec comedian Sugar Sammy, whose "You're Gonna Rire" show takes place July 28.
CBC Montreal: Can you tell us about a time when you experienced a comedy fail? A joke that didn't go well, an awkward moment or something that didn't go as planned.
Sugar Sammy: The Halifax Comedy Festival — that was one of my big bombs, I think. I did three galas that week. The first two galas were amazing and I got so cocky about how great [it was] that I didn't even prepare for the third one. I just went out and did all new stuff that I'd never tested. I felt indestructible, and it just didn't work. There was silence. You prefer boos over silence, and there was nothing. I was depressed for that whole week.
I was trying to book any gig very quickly after that because you only remember your last gig. It reminded me of what it took to put a great set together. It was a rookie mistake.
CBC: What is your best short-form G-rated joke?
SS: There's a joke where I talk about the "friend zone," and how it sucks being in the friend zone. That's why on the first date, when the bill comes, I always ask if we're going sleep together, or do we split this? Most women get mad, so I try to soften it and say "OK, we'll do this — we'll split the bill and if we sleep together, I'll refund you." That way, no one feels used, and I didn't just waste eight dollars. It's win-win for everybody.
CBC: What's the funniest thing about Montreal?
SS: Trying to get home. With all the construction, trying to get home is the funniest thing. I play this new game every day now called "Am I going to get home today?" If so, how and how long is it going to take? It's horrible. Sometimes I just feel like abandoning my car, leave it in the middle of the street and take the Metro. Just when you think you've found the right path, there's another "Rue Barré" or "Trottoir Barré" or "Détour" sign and you end up in St-Lambert for some reason.
There's something damaging about driving in Montreal, whether it's damage to your car or your mental health.