Loto-Québec cancels betting on future of U.S. President Donald Trump's presidency
Couillard government says it asked the provincial Crown corporation to rescind bet

In the end, Donald Trump's presidency has lasted longer than Loto-Québec's plan to accept bets on its outcome.
Just one day after inviting players to make wagers on whether Trump would still be U.S. president after May 1, 2018 on its Mise-o-jeu platform, the provincial Crown corporation cancelled the bet on Thursday.
The Couillard government says it asked the provincial Crown corporation to rescind the bet.
Audrey Cloutier, a spokeswoman for Quebec Finance Minister Carlo Leitao, says the lottery corporation understood its position that the subject was a sensitive topic.
Anyone who placed bets would be reimbursed, she added.
The wager was supposed to be the latest foray into political betting for the Loto-Québec, which also accepted bets on the outcome of last year's U.S. presidential election.