Low advance voter turnout in Bourassa byelection
Four byelections across Canada tomorrow

In the four byelections coming up across Canada tomorrow, the lowest advance voter turnout was in Montreal’s Bourassa riding.
The Green Party's Danny Polifroni said getting people to vote in the November 25 byelections is vital for candidates, but that he understands why some may be apathetic.
“Voters are treated as a means to an end and they're taken for granted. The people's vote doesn't belong to a party. The candidates have to earn people's votes,” said Polifroni.
The NDP's Stéphane Moraille said voters are tired and cynical, but she still hopes for a good turnout.
“They just came out of a municipal election, and there was some talk of provincial elections as well,” said Moraille.
Political observer Michel Nadeau said low voter turnout isn't surprising, especially right after a municipal election.
Nadeau said whoever wins will be a backbencher, and unless there's a star candidate in a byelection, voters usually look to the leaders when they decide who to vote for.
“I think someone will have a good job at $160,000 per year and it won't be a Conservative, so it will be a good MP who will be in the opposition for at least two years," said Nadeau.
The riding is a Liberal stronghold — held by Denis Coderre until his recent departure to run as mayor of Montreal.
Coderre was elected as mayor on November 3.