Does your Montreal pet have an original name?
Montrealers tend to favour Maya, Maggie and Charlie for their dogs

Some Montrealers are more inspired than others when it comes to naming their animal companions.
The city's data shows close to 11,000 unique dog names and more than 4,000 cat names were registered with municipal authorities between 2010 and 2015.
Do you want to know how your furry friend's name stacks up? Check out the interactive below.
Dogs: Maya to 514
Montrealers tend to favour Maya, Maggie and Charlie as names for their canines, but other owners drew inspiration from celebrities or good old-fashioned puns:
- 514, a shepherd from Anjou.
- Dolly-Parton, a Chihuahua from the Southwest borough.
- Lord Chester of Woof, a mastiff in Ville-Marie.

Names also tend to vary by breed, with some owners opting for funny monikers for their dogs. In Montreal, some licensed pit bulls are dubbed Baby, Sexy, Jesus and Precious.
Only 20,000 dogs are registered in Montreal, but the city believes there are 145,000 living in the 19 boroughs.
The city has said it will crack down on owners who don't register their dogs, a measure that has been mandatory across all 19 boroughs since 2013.
Owners who don't acquire a license for their dogs face fines up to $250.
Cats: Minou and Éric Lapointe
The city's rules are different when it comes to cats: only some boroughs make licenses mandatory.
Charlotte and Minou are top choices for feline friends, but so are classics like Simba and Tiger.

Some labels are more original, like Éric Lapointe, a domestic cat in Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension, and E.T., a Siamese cat from Ahuntsic-Cartierville.
Similar to their canine counterparts, fashionable monikers for felines also include Charlie and Maya.