Montreal creating stray animal centre
Created in the wake of damning Radio-Canada report on contractor practices

Montreal is creating a municipal centre for stray cats and dogs in the wake of criticism over the way its contractors was treating animals.
A Radio-Canada investigation into Berger Blanc, aired in April, raised questions about the private pound and captured images of animals being treated inhumanely.
The report shocked Quebecers and put pressure on the city to change the way it handles its stray animals.
Executive Committee member Richard Deschamps said at a news conference Thursday the plan is still a work in progress.
"It's an important change," he said. "There's still work to do to apply this orientation over the next months and the next year."
He released few details but said the city will create an integrated facility on the island.
It will offer professional services by certified veterinarians and will offer education and adoption, he said.
Deschamps said too many animals are euthanized in Montreal – around 15,000 a year.
"I think it's unacceptable and, because it's unacceptable, we have to completely review our model," he said.
Ten Montreal boroughs use Berger Blanc to deal with lost or abandoned animals on their territories.
"We'll need the collaboration of our boroughs and over the next few months we'll work with them to get harmonized regulations," Deschamps said.
He did not rule out continuing to use Berger Blanc after the centre is open.
He said the private pound has "completely changed" the way it handles animals since the Radio-Canada report.